Black Diamond Fine Jewelry

A curved 7 black diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 7 black diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Angled view a curved 7 black diamond band set in yellow gold. 2 A curved 7 black diamond band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A curved 7 black diamond band set in white gold., White Gold 4 A solitaire grey diamond engagement ring stacked above a curved 7 black diamond band set in yellow gold on a medium-complexion model. 5
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Cosmic Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

A curved 11 black diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 11 black diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Angled view of a curved 11 black diamond band set in yellow gold. 2 A curved 11 black diamond band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A curved 11 black diamond band set in white gold., White Gold 4 Five curved white diamond bands stacked on a dark-complextion right hand ring finger. 5
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Starlight Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & Black Diamond

A curved band with 7 black diamonds in ascending and descending size set in rose gold., Rose Gold A curved band with 7 black diamonds in ascending and descending size set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 black diamond and white diamond wedding bands by anna sheffield in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, and White Gold 2 Luna Tiara Band Suite. Available in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold. 3 black diamond hazeline engagement ring with luna tiara band and wheat band by anna sheffield made in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, or White Gold. 4 A curved band with 7 black diamonds in ascending and descending size set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 5 A curved band with 7 black diamonds in ascending and descending size set in white gold., White Gold 6
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Luna Tiara Band

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

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A straight band with black diamonds set in eternity around the band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A straight band with black diamonds set in eternity around the band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A straight band with black diamonds set in eternity around the band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A straight band with black diamonds set in eternity around the band set in white gold., White Gold 3 black diamond hazeline engagement ring with luna tiara band and wheat band by anna sheffield made in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, or White Gold. 4
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Wheat Eternity Band

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

A curved band with three round white diamonds on either side of a marquise black diamond set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved band with three round white diamonds on either side of a marquise black diamond set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A curved band with three round white diamonds on either side of a marquise black diamond set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A curved band with three round white diamonds on either side of a marquise black diamond set in white gold., White Gold 3 Marquise Tiara Band. Available in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White gold. 4 A hand wearing a band and engagement ring with marquise shaped white diamonds with round white diamond set in yellow gold and a round solitaire engagement ring., Available in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold. 5 Marquise Tiara Band Suite. Available in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold. 6
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Marquise Tiara Band

14k Gold & Black Diamond

An east/west solitaire ring with an emerald shape black diamond stone set in rose gold., Rose Gold An east/west solitaire ring with an emerald shape black diamond stone set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 Side view of an east/west solitaire ring with an emerald shape black diamond stone set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 An east/west solitaire ring with an emerald shape black diamond stone set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 An east/west solitaire ring with an emerald shape black diamond stone set in white gold., White Gold 4
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Bea East/West Solitaire Ring

14k Gold & Black Diamond (7x5mm)

A ring with an emerald cut and shaped black diamond center stone with one round white diamond and one round grey diamond on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A ring with an emerald cut and shaped black diamond center stone with one round white diamond and one round grey diamond on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Luna Tiara Band Suite. Available in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold. 2 A side view of a ring with an emerald cut and shaped black diamond center stone with one round white diamond and one round grey diamond on either side set in yellow gold.,Yellow Gold 3 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped black diamond center stone with one round white diamond and one round grey diamond on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 4 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped black diamond center stone with one round white diamond and one round grey diamond on either side set in white gold., White Gold 5
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Bea Five Stone Ring

14k Gold, Black Diamond & White Diamonds

A pair of tiny black diamond center stone earrings with a halo of champagne diamond set in rose gold., Rose Gold A pair of tiny black diamond center stone earrings with a halo of champagne diamond set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 A pair of tiny black diamond center stone earrings with a halo of champagne diamond set in rose gold one earring angled. 2 A pair of tiny black diamond center stone earrings with a halo of champagne diamond set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A single tiny black diamond center stone earring with a halo of champagne diamond set in yellow gold. 4 A single tiny champagne diamond center stone earrings with a halo of champagne diamond set in yellow gold on a light complexion ear., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 5
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold

Rosette Stud Earring (Tiny)

14k Gold, Black Diamond & Champagne Diamonds

$425 - $850
A pair of earrings with straight lines of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold A pair of earrings with straight lines of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 Angled view of a single earring with a straight line of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A pair of earrings with straight lines of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A pair of earrings with straight lines of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in white gold., White Gold 4 A single earring with a straight line of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in white gold., White Gold 5 A single straight line of white diamond pave with white diamond accent stones on either side earring set in yellow gold next to a harness earring on a dark-complextion model's ear. On her ring finger is a stack of two bands and a solitaire engagement ring., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 6
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Diamond Dusted Meridian Stud

14k Gold, Black Diamond & White Diamond

$550 - $1,100
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A pair of earrings with four black diamonds with a chain connecting to the ear back set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A pair of earrings with four black diamonds with a chain connecting to the ear back set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A pair of earrings with four black diamonds with a chain connecting to the ear back set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 Side view of a pair of earrings with four black diamonds with a chain connecting to the ear back set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A single earring with four white diamonds with a chain connecting to the ear back set in yellow gold on a light-complexion ear., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 4 A single earring with four black diamonds with a chain connecting to the ear back set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 5 A pair of earrings with four black diamonds with a chain connecting to the ear back set in white gold., White Gold 6
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Pointe Harness Earring

14k Gold & Black Diamond

$250 - $500
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A pair of double pointe black diamond drop earrings set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A pair of double pointe black diamond drop earrings set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A pair of double pointe black diamond drop earrings set in yellow gold with both earrings angled to the side., Yellow Gold 2 A pair of double pointe black diamond drop earrings set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A pair of double pointe black diamond drop earrings set in rose gold with both earrings angled to the side., Rose Gold 4 A single double pointe champagne diamond drop earring set in yellow gold with a harness earring and a single pointe drop earring on a light-complexion ear., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 5
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold

Double Pointe Drop Earrings

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

A pair of hoops with five black diamonds hanging from the bottom set in rose gold., Rose Gold A pair of hoops with five black diamonds hanging from the bottom set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 A single hoop with five black diamonds hanging from the bottom set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A pair of hoops with five black diamonds hanging from the bottom set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A single hoop with five black diamonds hanging from the bottom set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 4 A pair of hoops with five black diamonds hanging from the bottom set in white gold., White Gold 5 A single hoop with five white diamonds hanging from the bottom set in yellow gold on a dark-complexion model's ear with a double banded engagement ring with an emerald cut white diamond center stone on her left hand., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 6
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Pavé Pointe Hoop Earring

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

$450 - $900
A necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a yellow gold chain with a black diamond on the end of the chain., Yellow Gold A necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a yellow gold chain with a black diamond on the end of the chain., Yellow Gold 1 A zoomed in view of the necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a yellow gold chain. 2 A necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a rose gold chain with a black diamond on the end of the chain., Rose Gold 3 A zoomed in view of the necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a rose gold chain. 4 A necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a yellow gold chain with a black diamond on the end of the chain on a light-complexion model's neck wearing a white linen shirt., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 5
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold

Pointe Y Necklace

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

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