Black Diamond Sale - In Stock

A pair of earrings with straight lines of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold A pair of earrings with straight lines of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 Angled view of a single earring with a straight line of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A pair of earrings with straight lines of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A pair of earrings with straight lines of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in white gold., White Gold 4 A single earring with a straight line of white diamond pave with black diamond accent stones on either side set in white gold., White Gold 5 A single straight line of white diamond pave with white diamond accent stones on either side earring set in yellow gold next to a harness earring on a dark-complextion model's ear. On her ring finger is a stack of two bands and a solitaire engagement ring., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 6
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Diamond Dusted Meridian Stud

14k Gold, Black Diamond & White Diamond

$550 - $1,100
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A curved 7 tiny black diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 7 tiny black diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A curved 7 tiny black diamond band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A curved 7 tiny black diamond band set in white gold., White Gold 3 A curve band with 7 white diamonds set in yellow gold stacked above a smaller 7 diamond band, a solitaire champagne diamond engagement ring and three more curved diamond bands in assorted diamonds in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, and White Gold. 4
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Tiara Band

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

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A curved band with 7 black diamonds in ascending and descending size set in rose gold., Rose Gold A curved band with 7 black diamonds in ascending and descending size set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 black diamond and white diamond wedding bands by anna sheffield in Rose Gold, Yellow Gold, White Gold. Available in Rose Gold, Yellow Gold, White Gold. 2 Luna Tiara Band Suite. Available in Rose Gold, Yellow Gold, White Gold. 3 black diamond hazeline engagement ring with luna tiara band and wheat band by anna sheffield made in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, or White Gold. Available in Rose Gold, Yellow Gold, White Gold. 4 A curved band with 7 black diamonds in ascending and descending size set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 5 A curved band with 7 black diamonds in ascending and descending size set in white gold., White Gold 6
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Luna Tiara Band

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

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A band with a bezel set black diamond baguette in a yellow gold chain setting.

Attelage Chain Ring

Yellow Gold & Black Diamond

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A band with round black diamonds in a 3/4 pave around a rose gold band with white diamond accents on both top and bottom., Rose Gold A band with round black diamonds in a 3/4 pave around a rose gold band with white diamond accents on both top and bottom., Rose Gold 1 Angled view of a band with round black diamonds in a 3/4 pave around a rose gold band with white diamond accents on both top and bottom. 2 A band with round black diamonds in a 3/4 pave around a yellow gold band with white diamond accents on both top and bottom., Yellow Gold 3 A band with round black diamonds in a 3/4 pave around a white gold band with white diamond accents on both top and bottom., White Gold 4 A band with round black diamonds in a 3/4 pave around a rose gold band with white diamond accents on both top and bottom on a medium-complexion model with a solid yellow gold band. 5 Two solid gold wedding bands one in white gold engraved with “Diamond” on the inside and one in yellow gold with “Moon + Stars” engraved on the inside. 6 A straight band with 5 clusters white diamond band set in white gold stacked above a band with round black diamonds in a 3/4 pave around a rose gold band with white diamond accents on both top and bottom. 7
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Celestine Half Eternity Pavé Band

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

Starting at $5,500
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A curved 11 black diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 11 black diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 black diamond and white diamond wedding bands by anna sheffield in Rose Gold, Yellow Gold, White Gold. Available in Rose Gold, Yellow Gold, White Gold. 2 A curved 11 black diamond band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A curved 11 black diamond band set in white gold., White Gold 4 A light-compelxtion model with her hands on her neck. On her right ring finger she wears four curved white diamond bands. On her left ring finger she wears a cluster engagement ring inbetween two nesting bands. Available in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold. 5 Tiara Curve Bands. Available in Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold. 6
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & Black Diamonds

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A necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a rose gold chain with a black diamond on the end of the chain., Rose Gold A necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a rose gold chain with a black diamond on the end of the chain., Rose Gold 1 A zoomed in view of the necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a rose gold chain. 2 A necklace with four black diamonds in pointe on a yellow gold chain with a black diamond on the end of the chain on a light-complexion model's neck wearing a white linen shirt., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 3

Pointe Y Necklace

Was 950

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