The Holiday Pre Order Sale

A choker with a medium serpent pendant with a yellow gold chain., Yellow Gold A choker with a medium serpent pendant with a yellow gold chain., Yellow Gold 1 A medium sized serpent pendant set in yellow gold on a yellow gold chain with two gothic initial charms next to it with a serpent choker necklace above on a medium-complexion model's neck., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 2 Zoomed out version of a choker with a medium serpent pendant with a yellow gold chain., Yellow Gold 3 A choker with a medium serpent pendant with a rose gold chain., Rose Gold 4 A choker with a medium serpent pendant with a white gold chain., White Gold 5 A zoomed out view of a choker with a medium serpent pendant with a white gold chain., White Gold 6 A black and white image of a model with a serpent choker necklace stacked above a zodiac charm necklace with initial charm accents., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 7
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Petit Serpent Talisman Choker

14k Gold

A ring with an emerald cut and shaped rainbow moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A ring with an emerald cut and shaped rainbow moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut and shaped rainbow moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped rainbow moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped rainbow moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in white gold., White Gold 4 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped rainbow moonstone center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 5 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut and shaped rainbow moonstone center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 6 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped rainbow moonstone center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 7 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped rainbow moonstone center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in white gold., White Gold 8
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Bea Five Stone Ring

14k Gold, Rainbow Moonstone (7x5mm) & Diamonds

Starting at $3,300
A curved 7 opal band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 7 opal band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Side view of a curved 7 opal band set in yellow gold. 2 A curved 7 opal band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A five stone white diamond engagement ring stacked above a curved 7 white diamond band set in yellow gold on a darker-complexion model. 4
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold

Cosmic Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & Opal

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A ring with an emerald cut black rutilated quartz center with three round grey diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in white gold., White Gold A ring with an emerald cut black rutilated quartz center with three round grey diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in white gold., White Gold 1 A ring with an emerald cut black rutilated quartz center with three round grey diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut black rutilated quartz center with three round grey diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A ring with an emerald cut black rutilated quartz center with three round grey diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in rose gold., Rose Gold 4 A ring with an emerald cut black rutilated quartz center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in white gold., White Gold 5 A ring with an emerald cut black rutilated quartz center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 6 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut black rutilated quartz center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 7 A ring with an emerald cut black rutilated quartz center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in rose  gold., Rose Gold 8
White Gold
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold

Bea Arrow Ring (Medium)

14k Gold, Black Rutilated Quartz & Diamonds

Starting at $2,450
A pair of hoops with a line of white diamonds set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A pair of hoops with a line of white diamonds set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A pair of hoops with a line of white diamonds set in yellow gold one earring turned to the side., Yellow Gold 2 A single earring with a white trillion set above a line of white diamond pave set in yellow gold on the top of a light-complexion models ear at the base of the ear are two hoop earrings and a diamond dusted line stud., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 3 A pair of hoops with a line of white diamonds set in rose gold., Rose Gold 4 A pair of hoops with a line of white diamonds set in white gold., White Gold 5 A pair of hoops with a line of white diamonds set in white gold one earring turned to the side., White Gold 6
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Licol Hoop

14k Gold & White Diamonds

$595 - $1,190
A ring with an emerald cut golden rutilated quartz center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A ring with an emerald cut golden rutilated quartz center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A ring with an emerald cut golden rutilated quartz center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A ring with an emerald cut golden rutilated quartz center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in white gold., White Gold 3 Bea Arrow Ring (Medium) - 14k Gold, Golden Rutilated Quartz & Diamonds 4 A ring with an emerald cut golden rutilated quartz center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 5 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut golden rutilated quartz center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 6 A ring with an emerald cut golden rutilated quartz center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in rose gold., Rose Gold 7 A ring with an emerald cut golden rutilated quartz center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in white gold., White Gold 8
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Bea Arrow Ring (Medium)

14k Gold, Golden Rutilated Quartz & Diamonds

Starting at $2,450
A curved 7 white diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 7 white diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 white diamond baguette engagement ring by anna sheffield 2 A five stone white diamond engagement ring stacked above a curved 7 white diamond band set in yellow gold on a darker-complexion model. 3 Angled view of a curved 7 white diamond band set in yellow gold. 4 A curved 7 white diamond band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 5 A curved 7 white diamond band set in white gold., White Gold 6
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Cosmic Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & White Diamonds

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A curved 11 white diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 11 white diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A three stone engagement ring with a black diamond center stone stacked between two white diamond nesting bands on a light-complexion model's hand., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 2 A curved 11 white diamond band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A curved 11 white diamond band set in white gold., White Gold 4 A solitaire white diamond engagement ring stacked between three white diamond nesting bands on a dark-complexion model's hand., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 5 An oval engagement ring with pave on the band stacked beneath two curve nesting bands on a dark-complexion model's left ring finger., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 6 A east/west black rutilated quartz stone stacked beneath two nesting bands on a light-complexion model's hand., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 7 Tiara Curve Band - 14k Gold & White Diamonds 8
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & White Diamonds

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A three white diamond baguette band with three round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A three white diamond baguette band with three round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A three white diamond baguette band with three round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A three white diamond baguette band with three round white diamonds on either side set in white gold., White Gold 3 A three white diamond baguette band with three round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold stacked above a solitaire champagne diamond ring and a tiny white diamond curve band., Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold 4 A solitaire white diamond ring stacked between two baguette diamond yellow gold bands on a medium-complexion hand., Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold 5 A pear shaped white diamond engagement ring with a baguette white diamond nesting band on a dark-complexion model's hand., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 6 A zoomed out view of pear shaped white diamond engagement ring with a baguette white diamond nesting band on a dark-complexion model's hand., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 7
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Triple Baguette Tiara Band

14k Gold & White Diamond

A band with three marquise shaped white diamonds with round white diamond set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A band with three marquise shaped white diamonds with round white diamond set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Angled view of a band with three marquise shaped white diamonds with round white diamond set in yellow gold. 2 A band with three marquise shaped white diamonds with round white diamond set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A band with three marquise shaped white diamonds with round white diamond set in white gold., White Gold 4 butterfly marquise tiara band and tiny crescent band by anna sheffield 5 A band with three marquise shaped white diamonds with round white diamond set in yellow gold stacked above a solitaire round white diamond engagement ring on a medium-complexion hand., Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold 6 A band with three marquise shaped white diamonds with round white diamond set in yellow gold stacked above a solitaire oval champagne diamond engagement ring and a yellow gold nesting band on a light-complexion thumb., Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold 7 A hand holding a band with three marquise shaped white diamonds with round white diamond set in yellow gold and an oval halo engagement ring., Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, White Gold 8
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Marquise Butterfly Tiara Band

14k Gold & White Diamonds

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A curved band with three round white diamonds on either side of a marquise white diamond set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved band with three round white diamonds on either side of a marquise white diamond set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A curved band with three round white diamonds on either side of a marquise white diamond set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A curved band with three round white diamonds on either side of a marquise white diamond set in white gold., White Gold 3 white diamond baguette engagement ring by anna sheffield 4 marquise tiara band and tiny crescent band by anna sheffield 5
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Marquise Tiara Band

14k Gold & White Diamonds

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A band with white diamonds in ascending size set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A band with white diamonds in ascending size set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A band with white diamonds in ascending size set in yellow gold above a solid gold gemstone ring and two diamond dusted curve bands. 2 Celestine Tiara Band - 14k Gold & White Diamonds 3 A band with white diamonds in ascending size set in white gold., White Gold 4 A band with white diamonds in ascending size set in rose gold., Rose Gold 5 A pear shaped ring with a black rutilated quartz center stone set in yellow gold on a light-complextion ring finger with stacked chevron bands. 6 A band with white diamonds in ascending size set in yellow gold above a solitaire white diamond engagement ring and two diamond dusted curve bands. 7
Yellow Gold
White Gold
Rose Gold

Celestine Tiara Band

14k Gold & White Diamonds

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A white diamond dusted chrysalis shaped band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A white diamond dusted chrysalis shaped band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Angled view of a white diamond dusted chrysalis shaped band set in yellow gold. 2 A white diamond dusted chrysalis shaped band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A white diamond dusted chrysalis shaped band set in white gold., White Gold 4 A solitaire ring oval champagne diamond set in yellow gold stacked between two diamond dusted curve bands. 5
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Diamond Dusted Chrysalis Band

14k Gold & White Diamonds

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A serpent band with a blue sapphire center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in rose gold., Rose Gold A serpent band with a blue sapphire center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 A serpent band with a blue sapphire center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 A serpent band with a blue sapphire center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in white gold., White Gold 3 A serpent band with a green emerald center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in yellow gold on a lighter-complextion hand paired with another serpent band., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 4 A serpent band with a blue sapphire center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in rose gold stacked between two white diamond curve bands in rose gold., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 5
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Diamond Dusted Victorian Serpent Ring

14k Gold & Blue Sapphire

A curved 7 sapphire band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 7 sapphire band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Side view of a curved 7 sapphire band set in yellow gold. 2 A curved 7 sapphire band set in white gold., White Gold 3 A curved 7 sapphire band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 4 A five stone white diamond engagement ring stacked above a curved 7 white diamond band set in yellow gold on a darker-complexion model. 5
Yellow Gold
White Gold
Rose Gold

Cosmic Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & Sapphire

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A curved 11 blue sapphire band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 11 blue sapphire band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Tiara Curve Band - 14k Gold & Blue Sapphires 2
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & Blue Sapphires

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A serpent band with a green emerald center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A serpent band with a green emerald center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Angled view of a serpent band with a green emerald center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 Side view of a serpent band with a green emerald center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A serpent band with a green emerald center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in white gold., White Gold 4 A serpent band with a green emerald center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in rose gold., Rose Gold 5 A serpent band with a green emerald center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in yellow gold on a lighter-complextion hand paired with another serpent band., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 6
Yellow Gold
White Gold
Rose Gold

Diamond Dusted Victorian Serpent Ring

14k Gold, Emerald & White Diamonds

A curved 7 emerald band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 7 emerald band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Side view of a curved 7 emerald band set in yellow gold. 2 A curved 7 emerald band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A curved 7 emerald band set in white gold., White Gold 4 A five stone white diamond engagement ring stacked above a curved 7 white diamond band set in yellow gold on a darker-complexion model. 5
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Cosmic Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & Emerald

A curved 11 emerald band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 11 emerald band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A curved 11 emerald band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A curved 11 emerald band set in white gold., White Gold 3
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & Emeralds

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A serpent band with a white diamond center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in rose gold., Rose Gold A serpent band with a white diamond center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 A serpent band with a white diamond center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 A serpent band with a white diamond center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in white gold., White Gold 3 A serpent band with a green emerald center stone and white diamond accent stones around the head of the snake set in yellow gold on a lighter-complextion hand paired with another serpent band., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 4
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Diamond Dusted Victorian Serpent Ring

14k Gold & White Diamond

A ring with an emerald cut rainbow moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A ring with an emerald cut rainbow moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut rainbow moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 A ring with an emerald cut rainbow moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A ring with an emerald cut rainbow moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in white gold., White Gold 4 A ring with an emerald cut rainbow moonstone center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 5 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut rainbow moonstone center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 6 A ring with an emerald cut rainbow moonstone center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in rose gold., Rose Gold 7 A ring with an emerald cut rainbow moonstone center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in white gold., White Gold 8
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Bea Arrow Ring (Medium)

14k Gold, Rainbow Moonstone & Diamonds

Starting at $2,800
A 10 white diamond band with rectangle accent set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A 10 white diamond band with rectangle accent set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A 10 white diamond band with rectangle accent set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A 10 white diamond band with rectangle accent set in white gold., White Gold 3
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Bea Tiara Band

14k Gold & White Diamonds

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A ring with an emerald cut grey moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in rose gold., Rose Gold A ring with an emerald cut grey moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 A ring with an emerald cut grey moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut grey moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A ring with an emerald cut grey moonstone center with three round champagne diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in white gold., White Gold 4 A ring with an emerald cut grey moonstone center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in rose gold., Rose Gold 5 A ring with an emerald cut grey moonstone center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 6 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut grey moonstone center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 7 A ring with an emerald cut grey moonstone center with three round white diamonds on either side in arrow shape, set in white gold., White Gold 8
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Bea Arrow Ring (Medium)

14k Gold, Grey Moonstone & Diamonds

Starting at $2,450
A ring with an emerald shaped black rutilated quartz center stone with two round grey diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold A ring with an emerald shaped black rutilated quartz center stone with two round grey diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 A ring with an emerald shaped black rutilated quartz center stone with two round grey diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 Side view of a ring with an emerald shaped black rutilated quartz center stone with two round grey diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A ring with an emerald shaped black rutilated quartz center stone with two round grey diamonds on either side set in white gold., White Gold 4 A ring with an emerald shaped black rutilated quartz center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 5 Side view of a ring with an emerald shaped black rutilated quartz center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 6 A ring with an emerald shaped black rutilated quartz center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 7 A ring with an emerald shaped black rutilated quartz center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in white gold., White Gold 8
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Bea Five Stone Ring

14k Gold, Black Rutilated Quartz (7x5mm) & Diamonds

Starting at $2,900
A curved 7 grey diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A curved 7 grey diamond band set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A five stone white diamond engagement ring stacked above a curved 7 white diamond band set in yellow gold on a darker-complexion model. 2 A curved 7 grey diamond band set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A curved 7 grey diamond band set in white gold., White Gold 4
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Cosmic Tiara Curve Band

14k Gold & Grey Diamonds

A gold pair of huggie hoops with champagne diamonds set in rose gold., Rose Gold A gold pair of huggie hoops with champagne diamonds set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 Side view of a gold pair of huggie hoops with champagne diamonds set in rose gold. 2 A gold pair of huggie hoops with champagne diamonds set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 Black and white photo of a model laying down wearing two stud earrings and one huggie hoop and touching her face with her right hand. On her right ring finger she wears three nesting bands., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 4
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold

Wheat Hoops

14k Gold & Champagne Diamonds

$465 - $930
A pair of hoops with a line of grey diamonds set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A pair of hoops with a line of grey diamonds set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A pair of hoops with a line of grey diamonds set in yellow gold one earring., Yellow Gold 2 A pair of hoops with a line of grey diamonds set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A single earring with a white trillion set above a line of white diamond pave set in yellow gold on the top of a light-complexion models ear at the base of the ear are two hoop earrings and a diamond dusted line stud., Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 4
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold

Licol Hoop

14k Gold & Grey Diamonds

$400 - $800
A solid gold pair of huggie hoops set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A solid gold pair of huggie hoops set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Side view of a solid gold pair of huggie hoops set in yellow gold. 2 A solid gold pair of huggie hoops set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 One side and one straight on view of a solid gold pair of huggie hoops set in rose gold. 4 A solid gold pair of huggie hoops set in white gold., White Gold 5 Black and white photo of a model laying down wearing two stud earrings and one huggie hoop and touching her face with her right hand. On her right ring finger she wears three nesting bands., White Gold, Rose Gold, Yellow Gold 6
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Wheat Hoops

14k Gold

$315 - $630
A ring with an emerald shaped grey moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold A ring with an emerald shaped grey moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 A ring with an emerald shaped grey moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 Side view of a ring with an emerald shaped grey moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A ring with an emerald shaped grey moonstone center stone with two round champagne diamonds on either side set in white gold., White Gold 4 A ring with an emerald shaped grey moonstone center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 5 A ring with an emerald shaped grey moonstone center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 6 Side view of a ring with an emerald shaped grey moonstone center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 7 A ring with an emerald shaped grey moonstone center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in white gold., White Gold 8
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Bea Five Stone Ring

14k Gold, Grey Moonstone (7x5mm) & Diamonds

Starting at $2,900
A ring with a grey spinel center stone with two white diamonds on either side set in recycled yellow gold., Yellow Gold A ring with a grey spinel center stone with two white diamonds on either side set in recycled yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 Side view of a ring with a grey spinel center stone with two white diamonds on either side set in recycled yellow gold., Yellow Gold 2 A ring with a grey spinel center stone with two white diamonds on either side set in recycled rose gold., Rose Gold 3
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold

Bea Five Stone Ring

14k Gold, Grey Spinel (7x5mm) & White Diamonds

A ring with an emerald cut and shaped green emerald center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold A ring with an emerald cut and shaped green emerald center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 1 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut and shaped green emerald center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped green emerald center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 3 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped green emerald center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in white gold., White Gold 4
Rose Gold
Yellow Gold
White Gold

Bea Five Stone Ring

14k Gold, Emerald & White Diamonds

A ring with an emerald cut and shaped blue sapphire center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold A ring with an emerald cut and shaped blue sapphire center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in yellow gold., Yellow Gold 1 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped blue sapphire center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 2 Side view of a ring with an emerald cut and shaped blue sapphire center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in rose gold., Rose Gold 3 A ring with an emerald cut and shaped blue sapphire center stone with two round white diamonds on either side set in white gold., White Gold 4
Yellow Gold
Rose Gold
White Gold

Bea Five Stone Ring

14k Gold, Sapphire & White Diamonds

1 2 3
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